Marriott (M) - Third Floor
We may not have all rooms in the Marriott all the time - restrictive dates and times are noted, based on existing published data.
Items may run 24-hours a day in the Marriott
BanquetSuggested Set-up, Notes
M 301Committee420Fri-Mon only
M 302SIG45545Two-person head table, Fri-Mon only
M 303SIG59064Two-person head table, Fri-Mon only
M 304Small Discussion Group590302 round tables for 10, water set-up, Fri-Mon only
M 305Program (possible KK or Workshop)590302 round tables for 10, water set-up, Fri-Mon only
M 306Program (possible KK or Workshop)590302 round tables for 10, water set-up, Fri-Mon only
M 307SIG/Discussion Groups59065Two-person head table, set theater style 90% max, Fri-Mon only
M 308Logistics400Secure storage, set-up information supplied by Logistics, 8/25-9/4
M 309Office400Set-up information supplied by Office, 8/25-9/4
M 310Office400Set-up information supplied by Office, 8/25-9/4
M 3rd floorCon SuiteSet-up and room information supplied by Con Suite