List of all Items by time |
as of |
8 July 2008 |
Fri |
4:00pm |
Gaming in Filk |
W. Randy Hoffman |
Starting points: Alpha Participants Talk About What SF and Fantasy Got Them Started |
Thomas Seay |
Fri |
5:00pm |
Filk Mad Libs, Volume 2 |
W. Randy Hoffman |
The Alpha Writer's Workhop: A Review |
Ann Cecil |
David Barr Kirtley |
John Schmid |
Thomas Seay |
Diane Turnshek |
Fri |
6:00pm |
Is the Internet Essentially Fungal? |
Kathryn Cramer |
Geoffrey A. Landis |
James Morrow |
Mary A. Turzillo |
How Other Species Depend Upon Senses We Don't Rely Upon |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia |
Fri |
7:00pm |
Beer Tasting |
Concert: Dave Wells |
Rhyme, Meter, and Language in Fantasy |
Herb Kauderer |
Joshua B. Palmatier |
Tamora Pierce |
Michelle (Sagara) West |
Life in the Universe |
Diane Turnshek |
Fri |
8:00pm |
Shhh! Quiet Filk Circle |
The Landscape of Horror: How the feeling of place works in horror fiction |
Lawrence C. Connolly |
John A. Taylor |
My Favorite Planet: In Fact and in Fiction |
Joe Haldeman |
William H. Keith |
Geoffrey A. Landis |
Bud Sparhawk |
Fri |
9:00pm |
Concert: Lawrence Dean |
Lawrence Dean |
Trivia for Chocolate |
Jim Mann |
Laurie Mann |
Poexry (SF Poetry reading) |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia |
Joe Haldeman |
Geoffrey A. Landis |
Mary A. Turzillo |
Fri |
10:00pm |
Concert: Juanita Coulson |
Juanita Coulson |
Fri |
11:00pm |
Open Filking |
Sat |
9:00am |
Writing Exercises |
Ade Conway |
Sat |
10:00am |
Is It Still Cheese If It's Not Made With Milk? Future Trends in Food |
Herb Kauderer |
Bud Sparhawk |
Mary A. Turzillo |
So This Is Your First Convention? |
Gay Haldeman |
Laurie Mann |
Sat |
11:00am |
Comprising Harmonies Workshop (lead by Sassafrass) |
Reading |
James Morrow |
SF in the 1970s |
Juanita Coulson |
Eric Davin |
Gay Haldeman |
David G. Hartwell |
Alan Katerinsky |
Making It Real: Bringing a Fantasy or SF Setting to Life |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia |
Joshua B. Palmatier |
Tamora Pierce |
Michelle (Sagara) West |
Sat |
11:30am |
Reading |
Charles Oberndorf |
Sat |
12:00 noon |
Joe Haldeman Filk Concert |
Joe Haldeman |
Reading |
S. C. Butler |
<i>The Ambassadors</i> vs. Reasons to Be Cheerful |
David G. Hartwell |
Herb Kauderer |
James Morrow |
Charles Oberndorf |
Movies in Pittsburgh |
Kevin Hayes |
Laurie Mann |
Henry Tjernlund |
Sat |
12:30pm |
Reading |
Karina Sumner-Smith |
Sat |
1:00pm |
Concert: Pete Grubbs |
Critic Guest Talk: The Game of Genre |
Kathryn Cramer |
Osamu Tezuka: Anime Pioneer |
Ada Palmer |
Sat |
2:00pm |
Concert: Naomi Pardue |
Reading |
Paul Melko |
A Darker Mirror: SF as a Reflection of Its Time |
Juanita Coulson |
Fruma Klass |
Kathryn Morrow |
Charles Oberndorf |
S. Andrew Swann |
Comedy in High Fantasy |
S. C. Butler |
Susan Dexter |
Joshua B. Palmatier |
Tamora Pierce |
Karina Sumner-Smith |
Sat |
2:30pm |
Reading |
Bud Sparhawk |
Sat |
3:00pm |
Joe Haldeman Interview |
Joe Haldeman |
David G. Hartwell |
Sat |
4:00pm |
Sing a Song of SETI |
H. Paul Shuch |
Where Has All The Big Screen SF Gone? |
S. C. Butler |
Herb Kauderer |
Timothy Liebe |
Jim Mann |
Thomas Seay |
Reading |
Susan Dexter |
Trends in Short Fiction: From Original Anthologies to Online Fiction |
Lawrence C. Connolly |
Kathryn Cramer |
David Barr Kirtley |
Paul Melko |
Karina Sumner-Smith |
Sat |
4:30pm |
Reading |
David Barr Kirtley |
Reading |
Diane Turnshek |
Sat |
5:00pm |
Concert: Sasafrass |
Reading |
Joshua B. Palmatier |
SF and Not SF: What are the best genre and non-genre books you've read in the last ye |
Tim Esaias |
Kathryn Morrow |
Charles Oberndorf |
Mary A. Turzillo |
What's Best? |
Kathryn Cramer |
David G. Hartwell |
William Tenn |
James Morrow |
Sat |
5:30pm |
Reading |
S. Andrew Swann |
Sat |
6:00pm |
No Truce with Kings: Regime Change in Filk and Fantasy |
Susan Dexter |
Judi Miller |
Ada Palmer |
The 2008 Pegasus Nominations |
W. Randy Hoffman |
Critiquing: Goals, Etiquette, Results |
Ann Cecil |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia |
Tim Esaias |
Thomas Seay |
Sat |
8:00pm |
The Parallax Second Players present James Morrow's "Come Back, Dr. Sarcophagus." |
Sat |
8:45pm |
Concert: Lord Landless |
Sat |
9:00pm |
The New Doctor Who |
Kenneth B. Chiacchia |
Timothy Liebe |
Jim Mann |
Tamora Pierce |
Sat |
10:00pm |
The Sex Panel |
Kevin Hayes |
Bud Sparhawk |
Diane Turnshek |
Sat |
10:30pm |
Open Filk |
Sun |
9:00am |
Writing Exercises |
Ade Conway |
Sun |
10:00am |
Reading |
Tamora Pierce |
Arthur C. Clarke: A Look Back |
Stephen C. Fisher |
Jim Mann |
H. Paul Shuch |
Sun |
11:00am |
Working Your Audience for Fun and Minimal Profit |
Juanita Coulson |
Reading: Joe Haldeman |
Joe Haldeman |
Hard SF and Space Opera: SF's Past and Future |
David G. Hartwell |
Alan Katerinsky |
William H. Keith |
Paul Melko |
Writing Fantasy, SF, and Horror Poetry |
Eric Davin |
Tim Esaias |
Herb Kauderer |
John A. Taylor |
Sun |
12:00 noon |
Concert: Darren Zieger |
Reading |
Michelle (Sagara) West |
Real Life Utopianism |
Kathryn Cramer |
Joe Haldeman |
James Morrow |
Kathryn Morrow |
Charles Oberndorf |
Art Auction |
Sun |
1:00pm |
Reading |
Lawrence C. Connolly |
John A. Taylor |
Concert: Marty Coady Fabish |
Using Real Science in Science Fiction |
Paul Melko |
Bud Sparhawk |
Diane Turnshek |
Mary A. Turzillo |
Fortifications 101 |
Tim Esaias |
Sun |
2:00pm |
Dead Dog Filk |
My Favorite Series: The Best Current Fantasy and SF Series |
S. C. Butler |
Susan Dexter |
Timothy Liebe |
Joshua B. Palmatier |
Karina Sumner-Smith |