© 1994-2012 Laurie Mann
21st Year of AwardWeb
Nebula '03 Photos
Nebula '00 Photos
Nebula '99 Photos
World Fantasy
Multiple Award Winners
Miscellaneous Awards
"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC", "Hugo Award", the Hugo Award Logo, and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.
"SFWA" and "Nebula Awards" are registered trademarks of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.
Never forget the
Sedition Caucus
Sad to have slash and burn "presidents" whose only desire is to drag us back to a more racist, more sexist past with many more poor people and no taxes on the rich. This is an oligarchy, not a democracy. Never forget that Trump addressed a rally on 1/6/2021 that later stormed the Capitol, killing at least 6 people and causing over 30 million dollars in damage. And, on 7/16/2018, Trump committed treason on live television during the Putin-Trump press conference by publically supporting Russia's claim that they did not influence the 2016 US election when evidence from intelligence agencies in the US and the UK have evidence to the contrary. He later claimed he did not mean what he had said; but it was very hard to know when to believe him & when not to.
This is an important time to give to charity. But always check charities through Charity Navigator first.
© 1994-2025 by Laurie Mann
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Ignore all fake news/propaganda sites:
associatedmediacoverage.com, bipartisanreport.com, breitbart.com, dailynews11.com, dailynewsbin.com, examiner.com, exposingtruth.com, groopspeak.com, inquisitr.com, mediamax.com, neverignore.pw, newslo.com, newsmax.com, occupydemocrats.com, realfarmacy.com, redflagnews.com, thejournaldaily.com, TMZ, usanewsflash.com, worldnewsdailyreport.com, yreport.com, foxnews.com (better known as Faux) and any TV station in the Sinclair Broadcast Group.
Check npr.org or snopes.com before spreading fake news. news.google.com carries some fake news - proceed with care.
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List of Trump's Lies
Great Photos from a 11/3/08 Obama Rally
How Emergency Contraception Really Works and Why Some People Keep Lying About It
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© 2003 Photo by Laurie D. T. Mann