The winners were announced on Saturday, November 4 at the World Fantasy Convention in Austin, Texas.
Vellum by Hal Duncan (Macmillan; Del Rey)
Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis (Knopf; Macmillan)
The Limits of Enchantment by Graham Joyce (Gollancz; Atria)
Od Magic Patricia A. McKillip (Ace)
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami (Harvill; Knopf)
A Princess of Roumania by Paul Park (Tor)
"The Imago Sequence" by Laird Barron (F & SF, May 2006)
"In the Machine" by Michael Cunningham (Specimen Days, Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
"Voluntary Committal" by Joe Hill (Subterranean Press)
"UOUS" by Tanith Lee (The Fair Folk, Science Fiction Book Club)
"Magic for Beginners" by Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners, Small Beer Press; F & SF, September 2006)
"Another War" by Simon Morden (Telos Publishing)
"Two Hearts" by Peter S. Beagle (F & SF, Oct/Nov 2006)
"Best New Horror" by Joe Hill (Postscripts 3, Spring 2006)
"The Other Grace" by Holly Phillips (In the Palace of Repose, Prime Books)
"La Peau Verte" by Caitlín R. Kiernan (To Charles Fort, With Love, Subterranean Press)
"CommComm" by George Saunders (The New Yorker, 08/01/05)
Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth ed. Stephen Jones (Fedogan & Bremer)
The Fair Folk ed. Marvin Kaye (Science Fiction Book Club)
Polyphony 5 ed. Deborah Layne and Jay Lake (Wheatland Press)
Adventure Vol. 1 ed. Chris Roberson (MonkeyBrain Books)
Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction ed. Neil Williamson and Andrew J. Wilson (Crescent Books)
20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill (PS Publishing)
To Charles Fort, With Love by Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean Press)
Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link (Small Beer Press)
In the Palace of Repose by Holly Phillips (Prime Books)
The Keyhole Opera by Bruce Holland Rogers (Wheatland Press)
Kinuko Y. Craft
James Jean
Dave McKean
Edward Miller (Les Edwards)
John Jude Palencar
Susan Allison and Ginjer Buchanan (for Ace Books)
Lou Anders (for editing at Pyr)
S. T. Joshi & Stefan Dziemanowicz, Editors (for Supernatural Literature of the World: An Encyclopedia, Greenwood Press)
Peter Lavery (for Pan MacMillan UK/Tor UK)
Chris Roberson and Allison Baker (for MonkeyBrain Books)
Sean Wallace (for Prime Books)
The Friends of Arthur Machen (for Faunus, Machenalia, and The Life of Arthur Machen)
Leo Grin (for The Cimmerian)
David Howe and Stephen Walker (for Telos Books)
Jess Nevins (for The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana, from MonkeyBrain Books)
Rodger Turner, Neil Walsh, and Wayne MacLaurin (for SF Site)
To the 2005 Nominees * * To the 2007 Nominees