Archive Site: The Millennium Philcon Programming Division Web Site

Millennium Philcon Program Division Web Site Map

Yes, we did survive Millennium Philcon Program. Thanks for your comments and attendance!

We might be doing some scheduling updating here eventually, so that the archived data matches what actually happened. But don't expect that too soon.

November 6, 2001

Worldcon Program Division Timeline, updated with comments about what due dates we would have changed if only we knew then what we know now...

October 18, 2001

The Millennium Philcon Program Division was busy collecting ideas and participants, and built an interesting, fun, five days of panels, dialogues, game shows, readings and a few surprises along the way.

Camille Bacon-Smith arranged a special Thursday presentation by the American Philosophical Society.

August 25: The Final Schedule is up! Individual schedules are up!

We've created printable schedules for some special areas, such as Kaffee Klatsches, Fan Program and Art Show/Exhibits Docent Tours.

Program started around noon on the first day of the Worldcon. We're adding several "Orientation" panels for Thursday. Beginning at noon, there will be orientations for:

You can also take a look at the Chicon Programming Suggestions. I've been collecting online programs from recent Worldcons.